Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Lizzie!

2 years and 9.5 months ago:
Me: No, I don't want anymore kids. We are definitely done, 3 is enough.
God: Just you wait... he he he I have plans for you.

A few weeks later on our wedding night:
God: Ta-da....

About 3 weeks later:
Me: Nathan, we can't buy a smaller car (after I crashed my car), we need a mini-van.
Nathan: Are you pregnant?
Me: Ohhh Yeahhhh!

9.5 months later:
Dr.: It's a GIRL!

My little surprise is 2 today. Although her pregnancy was quite unexpected, I was thrilled from the very second I saw the 2 lines. We were a little worried when she was diagnosed with a single artery umbilical cord but after a few tests it was obvious she was a healthy, feisty little girl.
She was born by c-section at 7:55am. She came out squealing and daddy and I cried tears of JOY. She was in a hospital commercial the 2nd day of life and slept like an angel. They used her for more than planned since she was so good.
She has been such a delightful baby. No longer a true baby she is becoming such a little girl. My tomboy who has to wrestle and get dirty while wearing her 'pretties'. She absolutely adores her brothers and they her. She has a huge smile which can't help but make you return the grin as well. I thank God constantly that he gave me this gift.
She insists on showers over baths, water over any other drink, and enjoys jalapeno chips.
Happy Birthday to my sweet baby girl.... we LOVE you!

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