Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Yesterday, Monday, was such a fun day for our family. It's not that we don't have many, but yesterday just seemed different.

First of all, it got up to 95 degrees for the 1st time this year. I was loving it! Finally some warm, bright sunshine!
Second, my mom and I ran some errands, including a second-hand children's clothing store. I always love going and most of Lizzie's clothes have come from there. I have store credit from taking in a lot of her outgrown clothing.
I racked up big! I have to brag about everything I got....
3 pair boys shorts
1 boys shirt
1 boys sandals (Birkenstock)
1 girls shoes
1 girls dress
1 girls shirt
2 women's shirts -
All for $31.00!! Woohoo! Everyone loves a good deal!

Third, Seth and Joshua had their 1st baseball game. I packed a heavy diaper bag to keep Lizzie happy and coated everyone in sunscreen and out to the ball fields we went. The boys were super excited and played a great game. Although Joshua had trouble hitting off the machine, he executed perfect plays in the field. Seth was able to get on base twice and also, played well in the field. Nathan, my mom and step-dad joined the cheering section and although it was HOT! we all enjoyed ourselves.
Seth and Joshua at their game

Lizzie relaxing in the stroller

Then it was off to Nathan's work softball game. That's a lot of baseball in one day. Thankfully we were in the shade for this game and the boys had other kids to play with. Nathan's team was getting stomped, but made a heck of a comeback to almost win the game.
It was 10:15 before the house was silent, usually this would bug me since I love my quiet time at night, but last night I didn't mind so much. We had a wonderfully blessed family day together! I thank God for days like this!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Last night Nathan and I watched Changeling together. It is a new movie, just out on pay-per-view with Angelina Jolie. Though we have had it recorded for a few weeks now, I have dreaded watching it. Nathan has bugged me for a while and last night I thought I'd be nice and watch it with him.

The description of the movie is about a single mother in the 1920's whose son goes missing and the police return a different little boy to her... expecting her to just take him in and pretend.

Without giving away the rest of the movie I was just so sad the entire movie. I'd say my greatest fear is one of my children disappearing and never knowing what happened to them.
Nathan has always given me a hard time about being too protective of the children. He still thinks that since he was able to run the neighborhood at their age and he was OK then the boys should be able to do the same. Its not true... these days I trust no one... and my kids are my responsibility. I don't care how nice your neighborhood is, or how mature you think your kids are, truth is there are sick people out there who do sick things.
After watching this movie and seeing/feeling how this mother feels as her son is missing gave Nathan the slightest bit of insight. He told me I am not over-protective and he's glad I keep the boys close by. I cover the boys in the blood every time they leave the house. I trust God to keep them safe and healthy.

This movie is tough to watch, I don't know if I even recommend anyone to watch it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Is it weird?

My mother-in-law is coming into town tonight. I'm excited! I get to see her about every other month. She lives in Washington, about 5 hours away. Is it weird that I get excited? How many women out there love when their MIL comes to visit?

When I told someone at the gym today they were like, "Oh, I'm sorry."

I don't take for granted that her and I have a great relationship. I make sure to tell her how much I enjoy spending time with her... and she does the same with me. I have been blessed with 2 very loving, easy to get along with MIL's.

No one else in either of our families has had a family of 6 (besides her), so she knows how it feels and never judges if my tables are dusty or if my floor isn't swept. (Although I always clean right before she comes, its instinctive I think)
She does my dishes while she's here and helps make the meals. She doesn't get anxious when the kiddos are being loud or they have toys everywhere... she just offers them candy and tells them to hurry and eat it before dinner, LOL

Here's to great mother-in-laws... I hope one day I am one of them.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So many thoughts...

I have so many things right now on my mind. So many things I'd like to blog about, like my feelings about baby Kayleigh graduating to heaven, how this story and others are helping me be more patient with my own kids,(something I struggle with), how Nathan has made some positive changes and I am very proud of him, about a bizarre dream I had the other night in which I actually died,... but since I just got my computer back and I have 4 people in the house playing ball, its hard to find the time.
I will try to get them up this week... I would like to blog about everyday things... but sometimes its seems to trivial, especially when you look at what others are facing.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Seth is 9!

Seth's 9th birthday was yesterday. I can't believe how 9 years has gone by so fast. Yes, I know every mother says that, but it is true.

I was a very young 16 when I had him. Although I was married, at 16 you really have no idea how life is about to change. I was blessed enough to have the loving support of my family, friends and most of my church. (The youth pastor thought I should have an abortion or atleast give him up... that was NOT going to happen.)

I saw a midwife practice and loved them. I never felt judged and they were always very kind and caring. I was very comfortable with their laid back approach to giving birth. My pregnancy was textbook and I was induced at 42 weeks. All my friends showed up for his birth, even my friend who had college exams the next morning. My epidural was great, I pulled it out accidently and it was re-done. I was in labor for 8-9 hours and pushed for under 30mins. He was born at 4:19am... Not shabby for a 1st delivery. I think there were 6 people still right outside my door.

Seth was an awesome baby, hardly cried (once I learned about co-sleeping), nursed wonderfully and had a gorgeous smile. He crawled and walked early.
(I'm going to brag about him now, what mom doesn't brag about their child on their birthday?!)
He is so stinking smart. He is finishing his 1st year of ALP, which is an advanced learning class. It is a small class of 14 3rd graders from 4 different elementary schools. He is in 4th grade math and 5/6 grade reading. He amazes me everyday. He also loves sports and plays baseball, football and basketball. Above all this, he is so loving and has a caring heart. He accepted Christ into his heart almost 2 years ago. He's not afraid to shed a tear at a sad movie and has asked to help out families in need. I am very blessed, honored and proud to be his mother.

Here are some pictures from the past year.

His spring school potrait

At Uncle Chris's b-day party

This is his 'strike a pose' look

He won an award at school - and we were growing his hair out

10 things...

10 Things I Want to Do With My Kids This Year

10. Play outside in the warm rain this summer
9. Take them to Seattle to watch the Mariners play baseball
8. Go to a nursing home and let them read a story to someone
7. Take a professional family portrait and send pictures to our whole family
6. Have a backwards day where we do daily activities in reverse order, such as dessert for breakfast
5. Go to the water park that is in Northern Idaho
4. Camp out in the backyard, s'mores, hot dogs, the whole shebang
3. Have them pick out a toy to donate to a shelter, pick out food to donate at Thanksgiving, and help them remember how blessed we are.
2. Have a mud, cake, whipped cream, some sort of food fight.
1. Keep taking them to church and get them more involved with telling their neighborhood/school friends about God and salvation.